Professor Michael Wayne
Professor - Media
Gaskell Building 166
- Email:
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265830
- Film & Television
- Theatre, Music and Film/TV
Michael has been an academic most of his working life. In part this is because studying film at the North London Polytechnic in the mid-1980s was a revelation to him in so far as it simultaneously provided not just an education in film but a political framework with which to understand the world around him. That connection between the study of a medium as a medium through which to learn about the world, remains central to his work as a teacher and researcher.
Newest selected publications
Wayne, M. (2022) ''. Thesis 11, 173 (1). pp. 93 - 110. ISSN: 0725-5136
Wayne, M. (2022) 'The Conspiracy Film, Hollywood's Cultural Paradigms, and Class Consciousness.', in Wagner, K., Szaniawski, J. and Cramer, M. (eds.) Fredric Jameson and Film Theory. New Jersey : Rutgers University Press. pp. 201 - 222. ISBN 13: 978-1-9788-0886-7.
O'Neill, D. and Wayne, M. (2022) ''. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 19 (1). pp. 1 - 21. ISSN: 1743-4521
Wayne, M. (2021) 'Roadmaps After Corbyn: Parties, Classes, Political Cultures'. New Left Review. pp. 37 - 65. ISSN: 0028-6060
Wayne, M. (2021) 'The Guardian and Brexit', in Freedman, D. (ed.) Capitalism's Conscience: 200 Years of the Guardian. London : Pluto Press. pp. 255 - 273. ISBN 10: 0-7453-4336-8. ISBN 13: 978-0-7453-4334-1.