Dr Fabrizio Ceschin
Reader in Design
Michael Sterling 156
- Email: fabrizio.ceschin@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267394
Tsimiklis, P., Ceschin, F., Green, S., Qin, SF., Song, J., Baurley, S., et al. (2015) ''. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, 6 (3). pp. 52 - 69. ISSN: 1947-8208
Vezzoli, C., Ceschin, F. and Diehl, JC. (2015) ''. Journal of Cleaner Production, 97. pp. 134 - 136. ISSN: 0959-6526
Vezzoli, C., Ceschin, F., Diehl, JC. and Kohtala, C. (2015) ''. Journal of Cleaner Production, 97. pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 0959-6526
Ceschin, F. (2015) 'The role of socio-technical experiments in introducing sustainable Product-Service System innovations', in Agarwal, R., Selen, W., Roos, G. and Green, R. (eds.) The Handbook of Service Innovation. Springer London. pp. 373 - 401. ISBN 13: 978-1-4471-6589-7.
Ceschin, F. (2014) 'How the design of socio-technical experiments can enable radical changes for sustainability'. International Journal of Design, 8 (3). pp. 1 - 21. ISSN: 1991-3761
Zhang, J., Liu, X., Vezzoli, C. and Ceschin, F. (2014) 'LeNS China: A Chinese Learning Network on Sustainability for the development and diffusion of teaching materials and tools on design for sustainability'. Ecological Economy, 10 (2). pp. 130 - 143. ISSN: 1673-0178
Ceschin, F., Resta, B., Vezzoli, C. and Gaiardelli, P. (2014) 'Visualising product-service system business models'.19th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference. London. 1 - 4 September. Design Management Institute. pp. 2123 - 2152.
Ceschin, F. (2014) 'Sustainable Product-Service Systems: Between Strategic Design and Transition Studies'. Springer International Publishing. ISSN 13: 978-3-319-03794-3
Ceschin, F. (2014) 'The societal embedding of sustainable Product-Service Systems: Looking for synergies between strategic design and transition studies', in Vezzoli, C., Kohtala, C., Srinivasan, A., Liu, X., Fusakul, SM., Diehl, JC. and et al. (eds.) Product-Service System design for sustainability. Greenleaf Publishing. pp. 250 - 276. ISBN 13: 978-1-906093-67-9.
Ceschin, F., Vezzoli, C. and Zingale, S. (2014) 'An aesthetic for sustainable interactions in Product-Service Systems?', in Vezzoli, C., Kohtala, C., Srinivasan, A., Xin, L., Fusakul, M., Sateesh, D. and et al. (eds.) Product-Service System Design for Sustainability. Greenleaf Publishing. pp. 200 - 217. ISBN 13: 978-1-906093-67-9.
Ceschin, F. (2013) ''. Journal of Cleaner Production, 45. pp. 74 - 88. ISSN: 0959-6526
Ceschin, F. (2011) 'The societal embedding of sustainable product-service systems: towards an instrumental approach to support strategic designers.'.Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces (DPPI11). Milan. 22 - 25 June. ACM.
Ceschin, F., Vezzoli, C. and Vergragt, P. (2011) ''.3rd CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product Service Systems. Technische Universität Braunschweig. 5 - 6 May. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 111 - 116.
Vezzoli, C. and Ceschin, F. (2011) ''. International Journal of Management in Education, 5 (1). pp. 22 - 43. ISSN: 1750-385X
Ceschin, F. (2010) 'Critical factors for managing the implementation and diffusion of eco-efficient Product-Service Systems: insights from innovation sciences and companies’ experience'.International conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2010. Cernobbio-Como, Italy. 11 - 13 October. Poliscript - Politecnico di Milano.
Ceschin, F. (2010) 'How to facilitate the implementation and diffusion of sustainable Product-Service Systems? Looking for synergies between strategic design and innovation sciences'.Sustainability in design: now! Challenges and opportunities for design research, education and practice in the XXI century. Bangalore, India. 29 - 1 October. Greenleaf Publishing. pp. 440 - 454.
Ceschin, F., Vezzoli, C. and Zingale, S. (2010) 'An aesthetic for sustainable interactions in Product-Service Systems?'.Sustainability in design: now! Challenges and opportunities for design research, education and practice in the XXI century. Bangalore, India. 29 - 1 October. Greenleaf Publishing. pp. 1490 - 1501.
Vezzoli, C. and Ceschin, F. (2010) 'A new ethos for a multipolar design learning community: A mechanism for the development and diffusion of teaching materials on design for sustainability in an open-source and copy left ethos'.International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2010.. Valencia, Spain. 8 - 10 March. International Association of Technology, Education and Development. pp. 18 - 29.
Manzini, E., Vezzoli, C., Ceschin, F. and Cantú, D. (2010) 'Africa, Ideas for a sustainable future. Leapfrog Strategies: Design for social and system innovation for sustainability in South Africa, Kenya, Botswana, Ghana.', in Dell’Acqua Bellavitis, A., Collina, L., Imperadori, M. and Gandelli, A. (eds.) The international gateway. Projects and partnerships.. Milano (Italy) : Edizioni Olivares. ISBN 13: 9788890422324.
Ceschin, F., Vezzoli, C. and Zhang, J. (2010) 'Sustainability in design: now! Challenges and opportunities for design research, education and practice in the XXI century. Proceedings of the Learning Network on Sustainability (LeNS) conference'.Sustainability in design: now! Challenges and opportunities for design research, education and practice in the XXI century. Bangalore, India. Greenleaf Publishing.
Ceschin, F. and Vezzoli, C. (2010) ''. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 10 (2-3). pp. 321 - 341. ISSN: 1470-9511
Vezzoli, C., Ceschin, F. and M'Rithaa, M. (2009) 'LeNS_AFRICA. An African learning network on sustainability for the development and diffusion of teaching materials and tools on design for sustainability in an open-source and copy left ethos'.4th International Conference on Life Cycle Management. Cape Town, South Africa. 6 - 9 September. CARMA.
Vezzoli, C., Ceschin, F. and Cortesi, S. (2009) 'Metodi e Strumenti per il LifeCycleDesign. Come progettare prodotti a basso impatto ambientale'. Rimini (Italy): Maggioli Editore. ISSN 10: 8838743843 ISSN 13: 9788838743849
Vezzoli, C. and Ceschin, F. (2009) 'Sustainable scenarios for upstream waste reduction in the food chain', in Hülsen, I. and Ohnesorge, E. (eds.) Food Science Research and Technology. New York (USA) : Nova Publishers. pp. 65 - 110. ISBN 13: 9781607418481.
Vezzoli, C. and Ceschin, F. (2008) 'Product Service Systems in the automotive industry: An alternative business model for a sustainable satisfaction system.'.Sixth International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR08). Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK. 9 - 11 September. Brunel University. pp. 549 - 556.
Vezzoli, C., Ceschin, F. and Kemp, R. (2008) 'Designing transition paths for the diffusion of sustainable system innovations. A new potential role for design in transition management?'.Changing the change. Design, visions, proposals and tools. Turin, Italy. 10 - 12 July. Umberto Allemandi.
Vezzoli, C. and Ceschin, F. (2008) 'Designing sustainable system innovation transitions for low-industrialised contexts. A transition path towards local-based and long lasting mobility solutions in African contexts'.2nd Conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange (SCORE!) Network. Brussels, Belgium. 10 - 11 March. Flemish Institute for Technological Research. pp. 123 - 144.
Geerken, T., Tukker, A., Vezzoli, C. and Ceschin, F. (2008) 'Sustainable Consumption and Production: framework for action. Proceedings of the SCORE! (Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange!) conference.'.Sustainable Consumption and Production: framework for action. Brussels, Belgium.
Vezzoli, C. and Ceschin, F. (2008) 'Modelli di business alternativi per l’industria automobilistica'. Trasporti & Cultura, 21. ISSN: 1971-6524
Ceschin, F. and Vezzoli, C. (2008) 'Universities: key drivers of sustainability'. DIID Disegno Industriale, 30. pp. 90 - 96. ISSN: 1594-8528
Vezzoli, C., Ceschin, F. and Tukker, A. (2007) 'Framework for Action for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the fields of Food, Mobility and Energy/Housing. Proceedings of the SCORE! (Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange!) conference'.Framework for Action for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the fields of Food, Mobility and Energy/Housing.. Milan, Italy.