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Dr Bryan McIntosh
Reader in Healthcare Management

Eastern Gateway 210

  • Organisations and People

Membership and affiliation

2015  Chartered Psychologist (Reference : 376465)

2015  Associate Fellowship British Psychological Society 

2014  Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (Reference: PR072668)

Media interests

The paper “The impact of gender perceptions and professional values on women’s careers in nursing” published in Gender in Management: An International Journal was selected by the journal’s editorial team as the Outstanding Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.

BBC's Radio 4's File on 4 investigative programme was based upon my research into 'Payment by results' within the English NHS. This research was published in Health Economics Available on BBC iplayer as of time of submission: 

Industrial liaison and commercial collaboration, e.g. British Telecom, Cisco, Toshiba & The Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (HSBC). Initiated and led the strategic engagement with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and United Kingdom Trade and Investment (UKTI) for the Faculty of Health studies and its relationship with the Government of Sharjah (UAE).

Researched and published with the following institutions: Catholic University Leuven; University of Botswana; Sun Yat-sen University; University of Kuopio; University of Technology Berlin; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Dublin City University; The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services; Jagiellonian University Medical College; University of Western Cape; Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Karolinska Institutet; Basel University; Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre; King’s College London; University of Pennsylvania.

Appointed to Advisory role Health Education England (Workforce) on the 1st of February 2021.

Foemerly Technical Advisor: Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport: Miles Briggs MSP (Scottish Parliament)

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