Dr Anita Howarth
Senior Lecturer in Journalism
Marie Jahoda 222
- Email: anita.howarth@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267047
- Journalism
- Social Science and Communications
- Social and Political Sciences
Howarth, A. (Accepted) 'The Radical Right in Britain: Visual Plurality in Britain First鈥檚 Communication Strategy', in London and New York : Taylor & Francis.
Howarth, A. (Accepted) 'Britain's Manufactured Migrant Crisis: A Visual Politics'. London and New York: Taylor and Francis.
Howarth, A. (2022) ''. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 30 (1). pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 1478-2804
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2021) ''. Gender, Work and Organization, 28 (1). pp. 231 - 247. ISSN: 0968-6673
Howarth, A. (2020) 'Digital Activism: Challenging Food Poverty in the UK', in Ibrahim, Y. (ed.) Developments in Internet Activism and Political Participation. Hershey : IGI. ISBN 13: 978-1799847960.
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2020) ''. Postdigital Science and Education, 3 (1). pp. 144 - 161. ISSN: 2524-485X
Howarth, A. (2020) 'Fake Photos in the European Refugee Crisis', in Ibrahim, Y. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Recent Developments in Internet Activism and Political Participation. Hershey, PA, USA : IGI Global. pp. 122 - 137. ISBN 10: 1-7998-4797-7. ISBN 13: 978-1-7998-4796-0.
Howarth, A. (2020) 'Challenging the De-Politicization of Food Poverty', in Information Resources Management Association. (ed.) Wealth Creation and Poverty Reduction. Hershey, PA, USA : IGI Global. pp. 858 - 875. ISBN 10: 1-7998-1208-1. ISBN 13: 978-1-7998-1207-4.
Howarth, A. (2019) 'Challenging the de-politicization of food poverty: Austerity food blogs', inWealth Creation and Poverty Reduction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice. pp. 858 - 875.
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2019) ''. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37 (2). pp. 294 - 312. ISSN: 0263-7758
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2018) 'Calais and its Border Politics From Control to Demolition'. London and New York: Routledge. ISSN 13: 978-1138049161
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2018) ''. Politics and Policy, 46 (3). pp. 348 - 391. ISSN: 1555-5623
Howarth, A. and Ibrahim, Y. (2018) 'Corporeality and force-feeding: Keeping 'bare life' alive at Guantanamo'.Body and Human Rights. Friends House, London. 12 - 12 February.
Howarth, A. and Ibrahim, Y. (2018) 'Global governance, refugees and British politics of depletion'.ACUNS. Rome. [unpublished]
Howarth, A. (2017) 'The Spectacle of Force-feeding: The 2013 Hunger Strike at Guantanamo', in Hodgson, G. (ed.) Conflict, Trauma and the Media. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 29 - 50. ISBN 10: 1-4438-7903-7.
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2017) 'Expanding borders, contracting humanitarianism'.Refugee Rights in Europe: current weaknesses, possible ways forward. Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London. 19 - 19 May.
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2017) ''. Journal of Risk Research, 21 (12). pp. 1465 - 1486. ISSN: 1366-9877
Howarth, A. (2017) 'Challenging the De-politicization of Food Poverty: Austerity Food Blogs', in Ibrahim, Y. (ed.) Politics, Protest and Empowerment in Digital Spaces. IGI Global. pp. 124 - 142.
Howarth, A. (2016) 'Challenging the Repoliticization of Food Poverty: Austerity Food Blogs', in Ibrahim, Y. (ed.) Politics, Protest, and Empowerment in Digital Spaces. IGI. pp. 123 - 140.
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2016) 'The third narrative space: The human interest story and the crisis of the human form'. Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 13 (4). ISSN: 1742-0105
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2016) ''. Social Identities, 23 (2). pp. 212 - 231. ISSN: 1350-4630
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2016) ''. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA-PGN, 9 (4). pp. 1 - 22.
Howarth, A. (2016) 'Food Banks: A Lens on the Hungry Body'. M/C Journal.
Howarth, A. (2016) 'Austerity food blogs: sites of survival, sites of resistance'.Anti-Austerity and Media Activism. Goldsmiths College. [unpublished]
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2016) ''. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 24 (3). pp. 397 - 413. ISSN: 1478-2804
Howarth, A. (2016) 'Imagining a hunger strike: Guantanamo 2013'.Conflict, Trauma and Media Conference. Liverpool John Moores University.
Howarth, A. and Ibrahim, Y. (2015) 'Space and the Migrant Camps of Calais: Space-Making at the Margins', in Thorsen, E., Jackson, D., Savigny, H. and Alexander, J. (eds.) Media, Margins and Civic Agency. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. , 1. pp. 131 - 150. ISBN 10: 1137512636. ISBN 13: 9781137512635.
Howarth, A. (2015) 'GMOs and European Journalism', in Watson, R. and Preedy, V. (eds.) Genetically Modified Organisms ( GMO) Foods: Production, Regulation and Public Health. Amsterdam : Elsevier-Science. pp. 257 - 263.
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2015) 'Space Construction in Media Reporting: A 探花视频 of the Migrant Space in the 'Jungles' of Calais'. Fast Capitalism, 12 (1).
Howarth, A. (2015) 'Genetically Modified Organisms and European Journalism', inGenetically Modified Organisms in Food: Production, Safety, Regulation and Public Health. pp. 257 - 265.
Howarth, A. (2015) 'Exploring a curatorial turn in journalism'. M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture.
Howarth, A. (2015) 'Exploring a curatorial turn in journalism'. M/C Journal. ISSN: 1441-2616
Howarth, A. (2015) ''. International Journal of E-Politics, 6 (3). pp. 13 - 26. ISSN: 1947-9131
Howarth, A. (2015) 'Preface to Special Issue on the E-Politics of Food: From Online Campaigning to Food Porn'. International Journal of E-Politics, 6 (3).
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2015) 'Sounds of the Jungle: Re-humanizing the Migrant'. JOMEC.
Howarth, A. (2015) 'Special issue on E-Politics of Food from Online Campaigning to the Aesthetics of Food Porn'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF E-POLITICS, 6 (3). pp. IV - vii. ISSN: 1947-9131
Howarth, A. and Martinez Fernandes, G. (2014) 'Governing risks and benefits: mobile communication technologies in British universities'. First Monday, 19 (2 (February)).
Howarth, A. and Ibrahim, Y. (2014) 'The Non-Human Interest Story: De-Personalising the Migrant'.New Racisms. University of Sussex. 9 - 9 May.
Ibrahim, Y. and Howarth, A. (2014) 'Sounds of the Jungle: Restoring the Migrant Voice on New Media'.JOMEC. Cardiff. 17
Howarth, A. and Martinez Fernandes, G. (2014) 'Governing risks and benefits: Mobile communication technologies in British universities'. First Monday, 19 (2). ISSN: 1396-0466
Howarth, A. and Ibrahim, Y. (2014) 'Mobile devices and recording in the classroom: A survey of policy in UK Higher Education Institutions'. International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education, 3 (1). pp. 21 - 32.
Howarth, A. and Ibrahim, Y. (2014) 'Mobile devices and recording in the classroom: A survey of policy in UK Higher Education'. International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education.
Howarth, A. (2013) ''. Health, Risk and Society, 15 (8). pp. 681 - 698. ISSN: 1369-8575
Howarth, A. and Ibrahim, Y. (2013) 'British newspapers, space and the migrant 'jungles' of Calais'.MeCCSA. Bournemouth.
Howarth, A. (2013) 'MCTs and universities: new risks, new visibilities and new vulnerabilities'.IAMCR. Dublin.
Howarth, A. (2013) 'Making sense of British newspaper campaigns'.IAMCR. Dublin.
Howarth, A. (2013) 'Newspaper campaigning in Britain in the late 1990s', inMedia Interventions. New York : Peter Lang. pp. 37 - 54.
Howarth, A. (2013) ''. Health, Risk and Society, 15 (6). pp. 681 - 698. ISSN: 1369-8575
Howarth, A. (2013) 'Participatory politics, environmental journalism and newspaper campaigns', in Bodker, H. and Neverla, I. (eds.) Environmental journalism. Informa UK Limited. , 13. pp. 210 - 225.
Howarth, A. (2012) 'Discursive Intersections: A Framework for Analysing Media-Government Interactions'.Media symposium. London School of Economics and Political Science.