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Wireless Network and Communication Research Group

The aim of the research group is to:

  • Carry out international quality research to obtain international excellence in the following research areas.
    • Wireless Communication Networks
    • Broadcast Communication Networks
    • Mobile Communication Networks
    • Radio over Fibre
    • Future Internet
    • Application of Networks for the communication of information, media and services within the media, energy and environment, security and defence, manufacturing and medical industries
  • Meet the research needs of industry and society thereby contributing to the economic competitiveness of the United Kingdom and the quality of life.
  • Make available our research output for commercialisation by providing Research Output Products for Commercialisation.

Research Areas

  1. Ad-hoc networks
  2. Antennas and propagation
  3. Broadcast MIMO diversity
  4. Cellular radio networks
  5. Cognitive Communications
  6. Cross Layer Optimizations
  7. Intellegent Networks Optimization
  8. Interactive broadcast systems
  9. Mesh Networks
  10. Mobile IP
  11. Next Generation Internet
  13. Optical fibre networks/ Radio over Fibre
  14. Personal Mobile Grid
  15. Personal Networks
  16. Post IP 
  17. Radio transmission conditioning and protocols
  18. Security
  19. Service Discovery
  20. Telemedicine
  21. Video signal processing
  22. Wired and Wireless Integration Networks

Past Research and Partners


  • QoS-Enabled Power Efficient Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Access Systems, EPSRC, £184K, Nov 2009 to Nov 2011


  • Self Monitoring And Real-time Treatment (S.M.A.R.T.), EPSRC project £84000, Sep 2008 – Aug 2012
  • Spectral Efficiency, 3G/UK, £6,000, May 2008 – Sep. 2008


  • Cognitive Protocol, CARAWest, £5,000, 2007 - 2009


  • Broadcast Mobile TV, £53k, Nov 2006 - Oct 2007
  • EPSRC Travel Grant to establish links with Hong University of Science and Technology, £10k, May 2006 to Aug 2006
  • PLUTO - Physical Layer DVB Transmission Optimisation, EC- FP6, £530k, Jan 2006 to June 2008
  • ENABLE - Enabling efficient and operational mobility in large heterogeneous IP networks, EC, £120k, Jan 2006 to Dec 2007
  • CARP Protocols, West Focus & Park (Equipment), £5,000, 2006-2007
  • MAGNET Beyond - My personal Adaptive Global NET, EC - FP6, £220k, 2006-2008


  • EMAT - Modelling of Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer for inspection of defaults in pipelines, £70k, Nov 2005 to Oct 2008
  • DIRAC - Research and Development of Dirac Video Codec, £40k, Sep. 2005 to Oct. 2008
  • PARTAKE - Assisting Chinese Participation in Converging Systems, £30k, Mar 2005 to Sep 2005
  • EPOCH - Excellence in Processing Open Cultural Heritage, £20k, Mar 2004 to Sep 2005
  • Intelligent Protocols, West Focus (Equipment), £5,000, 2005-2006


  • MAGNET - My personal Adaptive Global NET (MAGNET/IP), £280k, Jan 2004 to Jun 2008
  • INSTINCT - IP-based Networks, Services and Terminals for Converging Systems, EC, £750k, Jan 2004 to Dec 2005


  • CONFLUENT - Enabling commercial application of convergent services in collaborative networks of UMTS & DVB-T systems, EC, £100k, May 2002 to May 2003
  • SAVANT - Synchronized and Scalable AV Services across Networks, EC, £250k, May 2002 to Dec 2003
  • Network Emulator with 512 Nodes for Mobile IP, SRIF, £100k, 2002


  • CISMUNDUS - Convergence of IP-based Services for Mobile Users and Networks in DVB-T and UMTS Systems, EC, £500k, Jul 2001 to Dec 2003
  • Ad-hoc formation of Bluetooth Piconet and IP allocation in PAN, Nortel,  £100,800, 2001-2003
  • All IP networks, Intracom, £70k, 2001-2002


  • 3D MURALE - 3D Measurement and Virtual Reconstruction of Ancient Lost Worlds of Europe, EC, £250k, Nov. 2000 to Oct. 2003
  • SAMBITS - System for Advanced Multimedia Broadcast and IT Services, EC, £250k, Jan 2000 to Dec 2001


Alcatel, Arquiva, BBC, PB Power, BR, British Energy, Broadreach, Caterpillar, Celoxica, Consulintel, Converteam, CPS, Create3D, D&M, Dibcom, DLR, DTG, e2v, E-connect, EBU, EDF Energy, Expway, Freescale, FTR&D, Fundamentals Ltd, GE, Huawei, IABG, IBMR&D, Intracom, IRT, KPN, Lucent, Motorola, National Grid, National Grid, NGW, NOB, Nokia, O2, OFGEM, Optibase, Ortikon, Pcom, RAI, RBB, Rohde & Schwarz, Samsung, Siemens, Siradel, STT, Tata, TDF, Telenor, Teliasonera, TILAB, TNO, Thales, TVCultura, T-Systems-Nova.