Professor Peggy Froerer
Professor of Anthropology
Marie Jahoda 224
- Email:
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265456
- Anthropology
- Social Science and Communications
Research area(s)
Research area(s)
- South Asia
- Education and schooling
- Childhood and youth
- Social reproduction
- Poverty and development
- Inequality and social mobility
- Nationalism and ethnic conflict
Research Interests
I am a social anthropologists with nearly 25 years of research experience in India on subjects ranging from nationalism and ethno-religious politics, poverty and social mobility, childhood and youth, and education and schooling. Much of this research has been driven by my interest in the relationship between education and social reproduction, and the specific role that schooling plays in the reproduction of social inequalities amongst marginalised communities in rural India. This has culminated in my second book, Futures in Flux: Education, Aspiration and Social Mobility in India. With my new research, I turn my attention to educational inequalities in the UK, and specifically to the role that education plays in the (re)production of class privilege.
Research grants and projects
Research Projects
Funder: Economic & Social Research Council
Duration: June 2016 - June 2018
Project details
- (ESRC-DFID, 2016-2018; £693800); co-I with Nicola Ansell (Brunel University), Roy Huijsmans (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Ian Rivers (University of Strathclyde)
- Master Craftswomen of Mongolia’s ‘Rich Cradle’: Learning and Skill in Kazakh Women’s Everyday Craft Practices in Western Mongolia; PI and Supervisor to Anna Portisch, Postdoctoral Fellow; (ESRC, 2008-2009; £76996)
- Cultures and Mind Project; Research Officer, India; (AHRC, 2006-2008; £6000)
- Regionalism, Nationalism, Globalisation in India; Research Fellow (ESRC, 2002-2004; £63378)
Research links
Co-author network
Similar research interests
- Professor Maria Tsouroufli
- Professor Nicola Ansell
- Professor Emma Wainwright
- Professor Kate Hoskins
- Professor Monomita Nandy
Research group(s)