Professor Francesco Moscone
Eastern Gateway 104e
- Email:
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266833
- Organisations and People
Media interests
Francesco Moscone's research focuses on sustainable health expenditure, investigating possible savings from both demand and supply perspectives. Regarding the demand side, he explores scenarios like potential savings if the smoking population transitions to reduced-risk products like vaping, if heavy drinkers shift to moderate drinking, and if individuals become more physically active. On the supply side, his research delves into questions such as the potential productivity gains in hospitals when physicians adopt more cost-effective medical technologies.
Francesco's studies have garnered widespread global media attention, with over 1000 citations and full interviews from North America, Central and South America, Europe, and the Middle East. His work has been featured in various newspapers and magazines, including but not limited to The Independent, The Times, Metro, Standard, Daily Mail, Daily Express, The Bulletin (by Executive), Kuwait News,The Egyptian Gazette, Malina Standard, Politics Home, Presa Latina, La Razon, Dossier Politico, Arab News, La Repubblica, Venerdi’ di Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, Unita’, ANSA, Panorama della Sanita’, Abruzzo Economia, About-Pharma, Il Giornale, La Stampa, Libero, il Sussidiario, Il Sole 24 ore, In Terris.
He has also been interviewed on the UK TV program GB News by Nigel Farage, and on the radio by Martin Stanford for LBC, by Kait Borsay for Times Radio, and by Simone Spetia for Sole 24. Additionally, his research was discussed on the Israeli television Channel 9.
Francesco's article in the Conversations has reached 541,000 reads.
The most recents are:
- Our webinar on the government budget in the UK and Italy is available on YouTube! 馃帴
- My youtube contribution (at 5:21:58)
- 4th International Conference of the Healthcare Journal - Economics of Health Prevention
- My work on suicide prevention launched by Agenparl, an Italian press agency specialising in political news and providing daily updates from the Italian parliament
- Czech newspaper Zdravotnický deník advertises my talk on prevention economics with the editor of the Financial Times, politicians and industry leaders
- My piece on life expectancy in the Italian magazine Eco
- My work on fertility decline in South Korea
- My work on fertility decline in South Korea featured in Affari Italiani
- Andrea Claudio Costa (from from Milano Finanza) wrote this piece on my reseach
- Lorenzo Drigo (from Il Sussidiario) wrote this piece on my research on fiscal policy and fertility decline
- La Razón wrote this piece on my reseach
- Piece on my reseach and the forum in health economics and policy I have organized
- My piece on the economics of life-styles for Il Sussidiario
- Tamara González Sánchez (from for HuffPost) wrote this piece on my reseach and the forum I have organized
- My research was highlighted during the second reading of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill in the UK Parliament (about 3:23)
- Interview with Simone Spetia on 24 mattino, Radio 24, il Sole 24 ore (about 18.14)
- Interviewed on Times Radio by Kait Borsay (start 1.44)
- Interviewed on GB News by Nigel Farage
- Interviewed on radio LBC by Martin Stanford
- Interviewed by Pilar Perez for La Razon "España lidera la primera red de biobancos europeos"
- Interviewed by Kiran Sidhu for Filter
- Economic commentary for La Stampa "Come vivere meglio e recuperare risorse"
- La Repubblica "Un miliardo di euro di risparmio se gli Italiani cambiassero alcune delle abitudini più dannose per la loro salute"
- The Independent, Storm Newton "Switching to vapes ‘could save NHS more than half a billion a year’, study says"
- Interviewed with Delfi (news outlet that covers Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania)
- ANSA "Con 1% fumatori in meno, 331 milioni di risparmi per Sanità"
- Il Giornale "Dopo il flop diesel, Sunak severo sul fumo. "Sigarette vietate (a vita) ai minori di 14 anni"
- Egyptian Gazette "Tobacco Harm Reduction: A Pathway to Achieving Public Health Goals"
- Interviewed by Giacomo Galeazzi for La Stampa "Covid, gli errori da non ripetere questa estate"
- Interviewed by Giacomo Galeazzi for La Stampa "La copertura cambia a seconda della regione"
- Interviewed by Matteo Galeazzi for La Stampa "Le conseguenze del mancato ricorso ai fondi Mes. Errori della seconda ondata e come corre ai ripari il resto dell’Ue"
- Interviewed by Matteo Galeazzi for La Stampa "Senza Mes la sanità italiana non potrà rafforzarsi"
- Il Corriere della Sera "Mezzo miliardo di risparmi se metà dei fumatori inglesi passasse alle sigarette elettroniche"
- Il Corriere della Sera, by Donatella Barus e Vera Martinelli "Dove trovo le cure migliori?Troppa fiducia nel passaparola"
- The Hippocratic Post "Positive health behaviour changes can save healthcare services millions"
- Milano Finanza, by Silvia Valente "Salute, l’1% di fumatori in meno farebbe risparmiare 331 milioni all’anno alla sanità pubblica italiana"
- Enquirer
- El Capital Financiero
- The Times, by Eleanor Hayward "NHS could save £500m if half of England’s smokers switched to vaping"
- Economic commentary for Il Sole 24 Ore "Esistono differenze nella qualità tra ospedali pubblici e privati?"
- The Standard
- My Commentary
- My Commentary
- Mentioned in the National Mexican newspaper El Financiero