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Dr Busayawan Lam
Head of Brunel Design School / Reader

Michael Sterling 156

Research area(s)

Co-design, Community-led Design, Design & Innovation, New Product Development (NPD) Process

Research Interests

Her research interests lie in the areas of Co-design, Community-led Design and Social Innovation.

Research grants and projects

Research Projects

Project details

  • Title: Designing the Future of UK-China RD&I Collaboration in the Museums and Galleries Sector (February 2022; funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council; £99K) - Co-Investigator 
  • Title: StoryFutures China: UK-China Transnational Strategic Partnership for Immersive Storytelling in Museums and Cultural Institutions (February 2020; funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council; £498K) - Co-Investigator 
  • Title: Design and Innovation Capacity Building in India: DESINNO (November 2018; funded by EU Erasmus+; €870K) - Co-Investigator 
  • Title: Fostering creative citizens through co-design and public makerspaces (October 2018; funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council & Newton Fund; £250K) - Principal Investigator
  • Title: Increasing excellence on advanced additive manufacturing: INEX-ADAM (September 2018; funded by European Commission; €997K) - Co-Investigator 
  • Title: Cross-pollination Writing Retreat (October 2016; funded by AHRC Connected Communities Catalyst Fund; £2.7K) - Principal Investigator
  • Title: City Visionaries: Improving social entrepreneurship and design skills in NGO operating in Brazilian slums (April 2016; funded by Newton Fund: Institutional Skills; £66K) - Co-Investigator 
  • Title: In2It: Internationalisation by Innovative Technology (October 2015; funded by Erasmus+; €924,911) - Co-Investigator 
  • Title: Co-designing asset mapping: comparative approaches (February 2014; funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council; £55K) - Co-Investigator
  • Title: Measuring Social Values of Design in the Commercial Sector (January 2014; funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council; £46K) - Co-Investigator
  • Title: Unearth Hidden Assets through Community Co-design and Co-production (January 2013; funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council; £125K) - Principal Investigator
  • Title: Scaling up co-design research and practice: building community-academic capacity and extending reach (January 2013; funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council; £125K) - Co-Investigator
  • Title: Bridging the Gap between Academic Theory and Community Relevance: Fresh Insights from American Pragmatism (January 2013; funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council; £52K) - Co-Investigator
  • Title: Securing the value of Co-design for Community-based Organisations (January 2012; funde by Arts and Humanities Research Council; £40K) - Principal Investigator
  • Title: Future Concepts for Convergence and Cross Mobile IT (May 2011; funded by Next Generation Design Team, Samsung Electronics; £18K) - Co-Investigator
  • Title: Digital Home Appliance Innovation Research & Design Strategy Development (April 2010; funded by Samsung Design Europe; £19K) - Co-Investigator
  • Title: Sandpit: uTELLus -- Making Public Spaces Safer / Voice Your View (May 2009; funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; £990K) - Co-Investigator

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