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Survival of the Fittest | Brunel Marrow x Weightlifting x Netball

Posted: February 06 2019

Sola Janet, Psychology BSc
Sola Janet, Psychology BSc

recently hosted a big charity event in collaboration with the and teams.

Students across campus entered teams of 6 to compete against each other in a series of high intensity physical activities which incorporated elements of weightlifting, netball, and general fitness. The event was a huge success!

We had 49 new donors sign up to the register, as well as money raised for the . UK Marrow were so impressed with our promo video and the success of the event that they asked us to give a presentation at their regional AGM!

Survival of the Fittest Highlights | Brunel Marrow x Weightlifting x Netball

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No other university Marrow group has ever put on an event like this before, we have officially put Brunel Marrow on the map! As the Brunel Marrow Secretary and Publicity officer, I work closely with the Marrow President (Farida Dedes) organising events and our volunteers as well as creating online content to showcase our events. For this event we worked closely with the President of the Weightlifting Team (Solomon Ocquaye) and the Chair of the Netball Team (Lucy Rutter). These positions are held by Brunel students, it could be you one day! Being a Brunel student means you have the choice of over to join, its lots of fun and you could make a real difference in the lives of other students and the wider community!

A little more information about  It is a network of student groups across UK universities that, in association with Anthony Nolan, help to save the lives of people with blood cancer. We raise awareness about the charity's work and register new lifesavers/donors.

Our aims are:

  • To raise awareness of Anthony Nolan and blood cancer within universities around the UK. This means spreading the word, holding events and letting students know about our lifesaving work.
  • To give every student the opportunity to join our stem cell register. Marrow run recruitment drives across campus, from halls to the university gym, making sure students are within 'spitting' distance of becoming a lifesaver.
  • To raise funds to help support Anthony Nolan’s vital work. Marrow hold fantastic fundraising events, including bake sales, bucket shakes, balls and more.
  • To diversify the register and encourage more BAME students to join the stem cell register.

You can follow us on Instagram to see what some of our societies have been getting up to:

Brunel Marrow:
Brunel Weightlifting:
Brunel Netball :
Brunel Students union: