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Engineering alumnus pursues career as an Entrepreneur

Engineering alumnus pursues career as an Entrepreneur

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Arun Koshal

Brunel gave me a platform to build my professional career which gave me the initial funds and knowledge to pursue my own business

Arun, Postgraduate, Alumni

Director, Koshal and Co Ltd.

Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy MSc - 2011

From UK

Previous Institution

City University London -

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel?

I have had a wonderful career spanning over a decade working in construction as a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with various high-profile companies. However, straight out of University I re-mortgaged my parents’ house (obviously with their permission), and with the savings I had from my first graduate job, I plunged it into refurbishing property alongside my career. A decade later I have a property portfolio worth several million and I have been able to leave full time work behind me to pursue a career as an Entrepreneur.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

I used to work every day of the week. When you first start a business, you need to spend a lot of hours getting it established, however there comes a point where you can then start to take some time out and sit back if you so choose; this is where I have been at since May 2019. I have now learnt how to diversify my business into other areas such as equities, which again allow for me to gain a passive income from other sources. I am usually looking at new projects but decided this year to go back to Brunel to do another Masters, this time in Structural Engineering, graduating in 2021.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

Being able to leave full time employment behind me and pursue some bucket list items - I have managed to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Machu Picchu in Peru.

How would you say your Brunel experience has helped you to get where you are today?

Brunel gave me a platform to build my professional career which gave me the initial funds and knowledge to pursue my own business. I joined Brunel during the last recession where I was going to be made redundant from my graduate job. During this economic hardship, completing my masters in Building Services Engineering at the time gave me some certainty for a year where otherwise I would have been unemployed.

Why did you choose to study at Brunel and why would you recommend Brunel to others?

I chose Brunel as a campus University as it was different to what I had experienced, having previously studied in the city of London. I found that there was a friendly environment, and last time around doing my masters, I had a fantastic year. I’ve come back to Brunel again for a second time, around ten years apart, and have found my course and the way it’s being delivered so flexible.

What is your best memory of studying here?

I really enjoyed the vibe of the students. I was on the Brunel Swimming Team having joined from the University of London Swimming team back in 2009 and found the whole environment of getting involved with doing things alongside your study really good and achievable.

If you could give one piece of advice to current Brunel students, what would that be?

You do further education to have a job at the end of it. Gaining experience with companies only enhances you as a person. Don’t get to the end of your course without a plan. Make sure you contact employers, graduate schemes, etc. before you finish.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

Be flexible and willing to adapt to new situations. What you learn at university is often different to what you learn in the corporate world. You’re on a journey of self-development and discovery and you need to be open to learning way beyond your university. Ten years later, I am still learning new things.
